Are We Really Conscious?
Are We Really Conscious?
Gray Matter
MY COMMENTS**************************************************************
The article "Are we really Conscious?" deals mostly with the human brain and what we think it rationalizes or deals with. I was surprised that it started out questioning many of the things that we take for granted or things that we believe, such as "us" being the center of the universe. Of course, being the only planet with people on it that we know of, we can claim that we are the main attraction in this area.

Next in the article, more of what we accept from society, science and the universe is questioned and shown to be "off center" or not fully true. If our brains are not at fault, maybe our perceptions are. This goes into similar theories that we have dealt with in class. What our experiences are, how we are raised, and what we go through in life create our brains in a certain way. We think and feel that things are as they should be and we deal with them on our terms, or at least try to. If we cannot trust our own brain then where does that leave us?
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