MY COMMENTS****************************************************************
This is an interesting video shown in class which starting out has Alain De Botton riding a motor bike through the city of Greece. He talks of Socrates and Philosophy, being one of our disciplines we are studying, and how he questions many of Socrates habits and successes, among other things. I must admit that I was surprised that he would bring up many of Socrates' odd behaviors in his life, such as the great Socrates refusing to wear sandals and having big eyes and such, but he does make good points in the interview that he conducts with a man named Andrew Miller and the company British Biotech and his loan stance against his company and his peers.
Going against others in any circumstance is a brave thing, especially if you have no support from anyone. Many people, due to fear, go with the group. They will "follow the sheep" or be led by others. Socrates led a similar life, questioning and evaluating everything. Quite brave, when you thing about it. It was the reason why he was executed but he still stated his views and opinions, even when facing death. That makes him stand alone in my book. Very few have even talked about their views publicly, such as the moderator of this video asks when walking through Greece asking peoples views. It is hard sometimes to separate yourself from a crowd and stand up for something.
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